Inner West Streets Are Quieter And Safer Under Labor

Sunday 28 June 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is delivering on its commitment to Melbourne’s inner west, with local residents sleeping easier thanks to expanded truck curfews introduced in January.

Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Luke Donnellan, visited Footscray today to discuss the curfews, which have significantly reduced the number of heavy vehicles on Somerville Road, Yarraville and Moore Street, Footscray.

Traffic counts conducted since the start of the new curfews revealed 75 per cent fewer trucks are travelling on Somerville Road during school times and 41 per cent fewer trucks are using Moore Street at night.

The decision to expand the existing inner west truck curfews was made after extensive consultation with the community and industry.  Truck operators caught ignoring the curfews face an on-the-spot $148 fine.

As at May 2015, 170 fines had been issued to truck operators for breaching the new curfews on Somerville Road and Moore Street. VicRoads will continue to undertake an enforcement blitz in this area.

The Government acknowledges that more work needs to be done, particularly in addressing truck volumes on surrounding streets, and will continue work with the transport industry and the local community to address this issue.

The Government is also getting on with the West Gate Distributor project, which will redirect thousands of trucks away from local streets in the inner west every day. Expressions of interest for Stage one opened in January and construction is expected to start in late-2015.

In another move to improve road safety in the inner west, the Government has announced a $600,000 upgrade to the Napier Street Bridge.

The protection barriers on the bridge will be realigned to reduce the risks of a heavy load being dislodged and becoming a hazard to pedestrians and other road users.

This work has been given the green light in response to community concerns about the bridge's safety.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Luke Donnellan

“These curfews are creating quieter, safer streets and improving the quality of life of residents.”

“The Labor Government will continue to work with the community to deliver the long-term solutions.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Williamstown, Wade Noonan

“These truck curfews are making a real difference and improving the lives of residents across the inner west.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Footscray, Marsha Thompson

Parents can now feel safer as they walk their children to school along Somerville Road, while Moore Street residents can now sleep better at night with less noise and congestion keeping them awake.”