Increasing Kindergarten Places In Rosanna

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Rosanna’s Interlaken Kindergarten will offer an additional 22 places in their three-year-old program because of a redevelopment by the Victorian Government.

Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos announced the additional places at the centre’s 50th birthday celebrations.

The Government’s $300,000 investment includes a purpose-built room for three-year-olds – with a new learning space, a children’s bathroom, a kitchenette and an educator’s office.

The kindergarten also received a $10,000 grant this year to upgrade its children’s bathroom.

The centre offers a four-year-old kindergarten program, as well as the local toy library.

The Government is providing up to $83.7 million to help kindergartens improve staff-to-child ratios meaning better social and learning outcomes.

We are also providing $60 million in the early childhood sector through building and upgrading kindergartens and children’s centres, including $10 million for projects in high-growth areas.

These infrastructure projects ensure local children’s services have the space and flexibility to deliver 15 hours of kindergarten alongside a range of other vital early year’s programs.

Despite evidence that shows the positive impact of 15 hours of kindergarten in the year before school, the Turnbull Government has yet to confirm ongoing funding for the National Partnership Agreement that funds delivery of kindergarten in the year before school.

Ms Mikakos urged the Liberals to promise an ongoing funding agreement for early years education and end the uncertainty in the sector, as the current funding agreement is due to expire in 2017.

Under the National Partnership Agreement on Universal Access to Early Childhood Education, Victoria funds 10 hours of four-year old kindergarten per week and the Commonwealth contributes to five hours.

Our Government is making Victoria the Education State – this starts with giving every child the best start in life.

Quote attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“Early childhood services and kindergarten make a big difference to children’s lives, and we’re ensuring all Victorian children see the benefits.”

Quote attributable to Member for Ivanhoe Anthony Carbines

“This new facility is an exciting addition for children at Interlaken Preschool, and I thank everyone for their tireless work in making this happen.”