Improved Training Opportunities For Hamilton Locals

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert has today met with representatives of South West TAFE to discuss future plans for nursing training and training overall in the South Grampians region.

Nursing training will continue to be delivered in Hamilton following an agreement between South West and RMIT.

South West TAFE has leased RMIT’s Ballarat Road campus in Hamilton for the next year following the decision by the university to prioritise nursing training at other sites from the end of 2015.

This partnership will ensure around 70 South West TAFE nursing students will be able to train at the RMIT accredited site.

Minister Herbert also visited the Hamilton District Skills Centre (HDSC) with South West TAFE staff to discuss training needs. The Minister also met hospitality students during his visit.

The Andrews Labor Government is funding the HDSC close to $200,000 in 2016 as it explores new partnerships and the possibility of establishing credit pathways to tertiary courses.

HDSC has recently entered into a new MoU with South West TAFE to integrate program delivery and expand student pathways.

Mr Herbert said the MoU demonstrates what can happen when training provider’s team up for the good of their local community.

As part of building the Education State, the Andrews Labor Government is committed to supporting training providers to deliver skills to meet the needs of industry and to grow jobs, especially to support regional Victoria.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

“I am glad that an agreement has been reached to allow South West TAFE to continue offering nursing courses on this site in 2016 and I look forward to seeing the vision for future training in the region.

“We are developing a new funding model for training from 2017 and are working with TAFE institutes to develop a funding stream that recognises their distinct role including in delivering training in regional areas.”

“Greater use of partnerships in country Victoria to provide meaningful opportunities for locals to train makes sense.”

“It’s also fantastic that HDSC and South West TAFE have teamed up to offer more pathways for students to move from training into work.”