Ice Action Plan: Protecting our Frontline Workers

Wednesday 4 March 2015

The Andrews Labor Government’s $45.5 million Ice Action Plan includes training and support for those on the frontline treating individuals affected by ice.

People affected by ice can become violent. This puts the safety of our police, paramedics, nurses, doctors, child protection workers, social workers and others on the frontline at risk.

The Ice Action Plan includes $400,000 to develop a new, best practice training program to give frontline workers the skills and knowledge they need to respond to and treat ice-affected patients safely.

Currently, training for workers who come into contact with individuals affected by ice varies across the state. This new training will ensure all of our frontline workers are better equipped to deal with ice-affected individuals.

The Andrews Labor Government has also established a Specialist Workforce Advisory Group to provide specific advice on the issues affecting workers.

As promised before the election, the Government will require all public Victorian health and mental health services to publicly report violent incidents and develop a consistent response to violent incidents.

The Government will also support alcohol and other drug treatment and mental health workers by investing $600,000 to strengthen and extend clinical supervision training, and to ensure organisations have structures in place for supervision and effective responses to ice.

A $20 million Health Service Violence Prevention Fund will also be established to make health services safer and more secure for our hardworking frontline health workers.

This could include upgrades to hospitals such as separate families’ and children’s waiting rooms or extra CCTV cameras.

Prevention and management of occupational violence for our police, paramedics, nurses, doctors, child protection workers and social workers – those on the frontline – is a priority for the Andrews Labor Government.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health, Jill Hennessy

“Violence and aggression towards our police, paramedics, nurses, doctors, child protection workers and social workers will not be tolerated.”

“It can be difficult and dangerous to manage or treat someone affected by ice, and we want to make sure that our frontline workers can do it safely.”

 “The Ice Action Plan will make our hospitals safer, and give our nurses, doctors and paramedics the skills they need to safely respond to patients affected by ice.”

Quotes attributable to Special Minister of State, Gavin Jennings

“The Specialist Workforce Advisory Group, which represents more than 100,000 frontline workers who deal with the consequences of ice every day, provided critical advice to the Ice Action Plan.”

“The work of this Advisory Group will continue to inform the Government’s response to this destructive drug.”