Honouring Victoria’s Child Protection Workers

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Nominations honouring Victoria’s dedicated individuals and teams who work to improve the lives of the state’s most vulnerable children are now open.

Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos today called for nominations for the Robin Clark Protecting Children Awards, which recognise excellence in service across the child protection and community sectors and celebrate the work done in child, youth and family services.

Dedicated individuals and teams provide a range of vital expert services, offering their homes as foster and kinship carers, providing education support to kids and providing leadership in child protection policy.

For the first time, the awards will include a Minister’s Award for Innovative Care, recognising a carer who has found new ways to improve the lives of children or young people.

The award categories are:

  • Robin Clark Leadership Award
  • Robin Clark Making a Difference Award
  • Carer Award
  • Education Initiative Award
  • Excellence in Child Protection Award (DHHS staff)
  • Minister’s Award for Innovative Care
  • Chief Practitioner’s Award (DHHS staff)
  • CREATE Award
  • NAPCAN Play Your Part Award - Victoria
  • The Modelling a Generous Community Award
  • The Walda Blow Award

Nominations close on Wednesday, 29 June 2016 and winners will be announced at the Robin Clark Protecting Children Awards ceremony held on 6 September as part of Child Protection Week in Victoria.

The awards are named in honour of the memory of the visionary Robin Dennis Clark (1936-2001) who greatly influenced child and family related policy and practice in Victoria.

In the past year more than 200 new child protection workers have been hired as part of the Andrews Labor Government investment in our state's child protection system.

For further information or to nominate visit: www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/childprotectionweek(opens in a new window)

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“As we reform our child protection system to keep Victoria's children safe and families stronger, our dedicated workforce and selfless carers need to be recognised for the critical work that they do.”

“Every child and young person has a fundamental right to grow up feeling safe and loved. The Robin Clark Memorial Awards recognise those who work tirelessly to uphold this right for all Victorian kids.”

“If you know an individual or team who is passionate about keeping children safe from harm and neglect, nominate them so their excellent work can be recognised.”