Helping Victorians With Mental Health Conditions

Thursday 18 October 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is taking action to identify the innovative projects that make a big difference to the lives of people living with mental health conditions.

Minister for Health Jill Hennessy today announced mental health projects will be eligible for funding under the Better Care Victoria Innovation Fund for the first time.

The Labor Government will set aside $4.5 million from the fund so that mental health projects and initiatives can get the support they need. In total, the Labor Government has invested $45 million in the Better Care Victoria Innovation Fund.

The fund draws on the best and brightest minds to find new and more effective ways to treat patients sooner – and with the latest tools and techniques modern medicine has to offer.

In hospitals, the fund has driven projects that reduce sepsis, increase the uptake of flu and whooping cough vaccinations among pregnant women, and better prevent and identify delirium among patients.

The fund is all about identifying and driving mental health initiatives that have similar impacts on the lives of patients.

It now includes $3 million to support community mental health innovation projects and $1 million for partnerships between mental health services.

The projects that receive funding will be supported by Safer Care Victoria’s new Mental Health Clinical Network.

The Labor Government has invested $1.7 billion to improve services and support for Victorians with mental illness since 2014.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“We’re expanding the Better Care Victoria Innovation Fund to include mental health initiatives and programs for the first time.”

“This is about drawing on Victoria’s best and brightest minds and partnering with them to deliver new projects that improve treatment and care for Victorians who need it.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley

“All of us know someone who has struggled with a mental health condition. We’re helping drive the projects that will give these Victorians the support they need.”