Helping Home Renovators And Small Businesses Fast-Track Planning Permits

Wednesday 1 March 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is taking action to fast-track planning permits for home renovators and small businesses to under 10 days.

Minister for Planning Richard Wynne today announced an expansion of the Labor Government’s VicSmart program, which helps expedite straightforward planning applications, and busts red tape. The Government has already created new VicSmart categories in industrial, commercial and rural areas.

VicSmart comes complete with easy-to-access information, assessment processes and decision guidelines. It’s all about making it easier for applicants who are less familiar with the planning system.

Additional classes of permit applications now assessable via VicSmart include:

  • A single storey extension to a single dwelling where specific design criteria are met
  • Buildings and works up to $100,000 in residential zones, where not associated with a dwelling

For example, a home renovator wanting to add a single storey expansion to the rear of their house, such as an ensuite bedroom, can now apply to their council for  permit application under VicSmart. If their application meets the criteria, they are in line to receive their permit within 10 business days.

Since 2014, VicSmart has fast-tracked more than 4000 planning permits, and we’re expecting that number to double to 8000. It’s about enhancing certainty and transparency and delivering clearer investment choices.

The VicSmart process is faster because applications aren’t advertised and applications are assessed by council Chief Executive Officers or their delegates.

Our VicSmart expansion is just one of the Labor Government’s Smart Planning projects, which helps make planning simpler and more accessible for councils, businesses and the community.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Planning Richard Wynne

“We’re helping small businesses and home renovators do the jobs they want to do – and at lower costs.”

“These projects can be stressful enough without the added burden of planning red tape. VicSmart is all about ensuring the planning permit application process is simple and straightforward to navigate.”