Have Your Say On Hyland And Monaro Highway Upgrades

Tuesday 13 June 2017

The Gippsland community has been invited to have its say on the upgrades of the Hyland and Monaro Highways.

Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said the feedback will provide valuable insights that will contribute to the upgrades of the two key election commitments.

“What we want to do is create a road network that gets people to and from their homes quickly, allows freight operators to get goods to market, and allows the region to reach its potential,” Mr Chester said.

“The online consultation will allow residents to provide feedback on necessary upgrades, such as road widening or shoulder sealing, intersection improvements, slow vehicle pull-over bays, safety barriers, or pavement improvements.”

Victorian Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan said these projects will be crucial to the ongoing development and liveability of Gippsland.

“Community feedback will give us a good sense of how people use  these highways and how we can improve them to make sure they keep pace with the needs of Gippsland’s growing communities,’ Mr Donnellan said.

“These upgrades will be an investment not only for the region, but the entire state. I would encourage all members of the community to have their say on these important road upgrades.”

Many people in the Gippsland community use these roads every day and their input will be essential in delivering the best road network possible.

Submissions close on 29 June 2017. Feedback can be provided by visiting: engage.vicroads.gov.au

For information on investment in the Gippsland electorate: http://investment.infrastructure.gov.au/