Have Your Say On The African Communities Action Plan

Wednesday 15 November 2017

The Andrews Labor Government and African Ministerial Working Group are seeking feedback from the community on a draft plan to create more social and economic opportunities for African Victorians.

The African Communities Action Plan is being developed by the 22-member working group, which was formed in 2016 and is made up of African community leaders and young people.

The draft plan includes a range of community-designed actions related to education, employment, business development, community cohesion, leadership, women and youth.

Almost 100,000 people living in Victoria are African-born, and even more have African heritage.

The African community in Victoria is extremely diverse, with people hailing from over 50 different African countries and identifying with over 60 different ethnicities.

The African Communities Action Plan aims to address the needs of all African Victorians, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups that could benefit from greater support.

The central role of African community members in the plan’s development reflects the Labor Government’s move towards a more participatory approach to planning and delivering programs for African communities.

The draft African Communities Action Plan is available at multicultural.vic.gov.au. Feedback can be emailed to amwg.secretariat@dpc.vic.gov.au until 15 December 2017.

The working group will submit the final plan early next year.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott

“This is a plan for African communities, by African communities.”

“It will be the first long-term strategy aimed at supporting, uplifting and empowering African Victorians, especially those in need of extra help.”

“Victoria’s African community contributes a lot to Victoria and is largely self-reliant, but we know we can do more to assist those who need an extra boost.”