Grants Of Up To $60,000 To Build Men’s Sheds

Thursday 19 March 2015

Communities across Victoria can now apply for grants to build a new Men’s Shed, following the release of $750,000 in funding by the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos, today announced the release of the funds at a visit to the Ballarat East Men’s Shed with local MP Geoff Howard.

Grants of up to $60,000 are available to help build new sheds, especially where there is a high level of community need.

Funds may be used to construct a new Men’s Shed, redevelop an existing building into a Men’s Shed or co-locate a Men’s Shed in a multifunction community facility or hub.

The Victorian Men’s Shed Association president, Phil Keily, welcomed the announcement. He said the funding was a great opportunity to expand the Men’s Sheds program into new communities across the state.

Applications that demonstrate significant partnerships and support from relevant community groups – such as the local council, neighbourhood houses or adult-learning providers – are particularly encouraged to apply.

Applications for the grants close on 19 June 2015. More information is available at: in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos

“We are proud to support Men’s Sheds and we recognise the role they play.”

“Men’s Sheds are great for the health and wellbeing of men in our communities.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Buninyong, Geoff Howard

“By encouraging local men to roll their sleeves up, the Ballarat East Men’s Shed has seen them build friendships and serve the local community.”

Quotes attributable to Men’s Shed Association President, Phil Keily

“Demand for Men’s Sheds continues to grow in both regional and metropolitan areas.”