Grants To Help Multicultural Communities Maintain And Share Their Culture

Thursday 17 March 2016

The Andrews Labor Government will support Victoria’s multicultural communities and organisations to improve their festivals, events, precincts and infrastructure.

Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott today announced the opening of two new multicultural grant programs, the Community Infrastructure and Cultural Precincts Program and the Multicultural Festivals and Events Program.

The Labor Government will put $3 million towards the new Community Infrastructure and Cultural Precincts Program to help maintain or build new existing community infrastructure and enhance cultural precincts for our diverse communities.

The Government will also put $2.7 million towards the Multicultural Festivals and Events Program, which will ensure Victoria’s vibrant festivals and events continue to flourish while encouraging smaller or newer community groups to develop their own celebrations.

The new programs are part of the consolidation of grant programs previously administered by the Victorian Multicultural Commission and the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship.

Programs are being streamlined to enable a clearer, simpler process for communities.

For more information on eligibility and how to apply for the grants, visit in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott

“We want to ensure our multicultural communities have the support and facilities they need to celebrate and share their culture with all Victorians.”

“The new grants can provide a stepping stone for newer community groups to establish a festival, or allow an established group to further develop an existing precinct.” 

“I encourage community groups and organisations to apply for a grant under one of these new programs.”