Golden Plains First Ever High School Open For Business

Thursday 1 February 2018

Families across Bannockburn and Golden Plains finally have access to a local high school with the state-of-the-art Bannockburn P-12 College opening its doors this week for the very first time.

Premier Daniel Andrews today joined Bannockburn P-12’s first cohort of students and teachers to celebrate the opening of this brand new school that was made possible thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

This school will be Golden Plains’ first secondary school, and includes brand new facilities for Bannockburn Primary School, which has relocated to this new site to become part of the new Prep to Year 12 school.

The school will give local students access to modern purpose-built classrooms, as well as exciting first-rate facilities that will be shared with community to fully embed the school in neighbourhood life.

Bannockburn P-12 was built after a long community campaign for a local secondary school to accommodate the growing number of families moving to the area, and has permanent facilities to accommodate 475 primary students and 720 secondary students.

The school was designed by ClarkeHopkinsClarke architects and built by Watpac builders. Bannockburn P-12 is one of 11 new schools opening across the state this week and one of 21 that have opened over the last two years.

The Labor Government is building the Education State so that every student can access a great school and has invested $2.5 billion in the past three years to improve classrooms, upgrade facilities and build new schools across the state.

Victoria’s school building boom has delivered more than 1200 school upgrades and 56 new school projects across the state, supporting almost 5000 construction jobs for Victorians.

This is in stark contrast to the former Liberal Government who ripped billions of dollars out of education, did little to plan for growth and refused to fund a high school for Bannockburn.

This year an estimated 972,700 students will attend a Victorian school, including 620,400 students attending a government school. An estimated 80,200 preps will start school, including 56,000 in government schools.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“We promised that we’d deliver secondary education to Golden Plains Shire and with the brand new Bannockburn P-12, we got it done. This will be a great school and is a testament to the community who fought so hard for it.”

“Whether it’s here in Bannockburn or elsewhere in Victoria, we’re getting on with the job of building and upgrading schools right across the state to meet the needs of our growing communities.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Western Victoria Jaala Pulford

“The Bannockburn and Golden Plains’ communities campaigned for years for a dedicated local high school – I’m proud that it’s been a Labor Government that has delivered for these proud communities.”

“Thanks to the new Bannockburn P-12 school, local families will finally be able to access the most modern facilities they need in the very community that they call home.”