Giving Our Regional Schools And Kids The Support They Deserve

Friday 18 September 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is undoing the damage caused by the previous Coalition Government, by reinstating crucial education support for schools in regional Victoria.

The Labor Government today confirmed the new $82 million Regional Support Initiative as part of the Education State package that is providing $747 million in extra funds over four years to deliver great schools for every community and great teachers in every classroom.

The regional initiative is in response to schools and principals telling us they needed extra help to provide the best support possible to the kids in their care. This will be provided through the establishment of 17 new local area-based teams, employing over 150 staff across the current four regions.

This is in direct contrast to the previous Coalition Government, who axed dedicated regional offices with many jobs either lost or moved to Melbourne.

For many regional and rural schools, their former regional office was crucial in supporting principals to do what they do best – teaching our students and leading our schools. The Coalition in some cases moved this support many hundreds of kilometres away to metropolitan Melbourne.

The teams will help relieve principals and teachers from operational and administrative burdens so they can focus on what matters most for Victoria’s students. The new local areas will also link up better with other government services in the community.

The funding will be provided over four years, and $24.8 million will be provided in ongoing funding from 2019-20.

It’s all part of our plan to help kids learn, give parents confidence and provide the resources that teachers need.

Schools and students in our regions will also share in more than $68 million of extra equity funding in 2016. Equity funding will increase on average by $437 per student across regional Victoria, in comparison to $209 in metropolitan Melbourne.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“We’re giving regional principals and teachers the support they need to spend more time doing what they do best, teaching our kids and leading our schools.”

“More funding, better classrooms and a new curriculum will mean the best opportunities for students in regional Victoria.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“Under the Coalition, our schools were on their own. School maintenance funding halved, EMA and School Start Bonus axed and the abolition of dedicated regional support.”

“Our Initiative will ensure regional schools receive extra support for the wellbeing and engagement of their students.”