Giving Mernda Families More Kinder Places

Wednesday 12 July 2017

The Victorian Government is giving more Mernda families access to local kindergarten and childcare places through a new early learning centre.

Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos today officially opened the Mernda YMCA Early Learning Centre and Childcare – a $2.4 million centre offering three and four-year-old kinder sessions, long day care places, school holiday activities and Maternal and Child Health services.

The centre is located on Mernda Park Primary School grounds and supports working families by delivering before and after school programs for students attending the school.

The Andrews Labor Government is investing $70 million to build, expand and upgrade early years infrastructure across the state, including $10 million targeting growth areas.

Families will also benefit from the $202 million Education State Early Childhood Reform Plan, announced in this year’s Victorian Budget 2017/18.

This ground-breaking plan recognises the importance of providing families with strong support in early childhood, so kids are ready for kinder, ready for school and ready for life.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“Our unprecedented investment in early childhood services is supporting children and families and ensuring that every child gets access to quality early years programs.”

“We’re investing in first-rate early childhood facilities and giving Mernda families more flexible and accessible local kindergarten and childcare services.”

Quote attributable to Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green

“The Andrews Labor Government is investing in the things that matter for Mernda families with the opening of this new Early Learning Centre co-located with our recently opened Mernda Park Primary School.”