Funding For Box Hill Institute That Leads To Jobs

Wednesday 17 June 2015

An innovative new program at Box Hill Institute will receive $4.7 million in Andrews Labor Government funding to get 2400 people skilled up for jobs in emerging hi-tech industries.

Minister for Training and Skills, Steve Herbert, announced the grant from the Labor Government’s $50 million TAFE Back to Work Fund during a visit to the institute’s Box Hill campus today.

The Labor Government funding will enable Box Hill Institute to partner with industry to develop training to meet the needs of the growing cyber security and 3D manufacturing sector.

The $50 million TAFE Back to Work Fund is part of the $350 million funding boost to the TAFE system, delivered in the 2015-16 State Budget. This is in addition to the $20 million fast-tracked earlier this year to shore up the finances of seven financially-vulnerable TAFEs.

The Fund will support projects that allow TAFE institutes to provide training that leads to jobs by working in partnership with local industries, including those identified by the Government’s Back to Work Plan to create 100,000 jobs.

Mr Herbert said training offered by these initiatives would also support employers who plan to hire staff as part of the Government’s Back to Work Scheme, by creating more job-ready skilled workers in growing industries.

The Back to Work Scheme provides financial assistance to businesses which hire eligible young people aged 15-24 who have been looking for work for three months or more, out-of-trade apprentices, retrenched workers or someone who has been looking for work for 12 months or more.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills, Steve Herbert

“TAFEs mean skills and skills mean jobs. We’re supporting Box Hill Institute to provide more training that gives locals the opportunity to develop the skills they need to get a job in these growing industries.

This project, part of our $50 million TAFE Back to Work Fund, demonstrates what can be achieved when Government, TAFE institutes and industry work together to support new jobs.

Quotes attributable to Member for Eastern Metropolitan, Shaun Leane

This $4.7 million Andrews Labor Government investment will support Box Hill Institute to deliver more training that will lead to jobs for locals in the emerging cyber-security and 3D manufacturing technology sectors.