Funding Boost Helps Girl Guides Victoria Engage Disadvantaged Youth

Monday 31 August 2015

The Andrews Labor Government today announced a $457,000 funding boost for Girl Guides Victoria to increase engagement with young Victorian women, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Nearly a hundred girl guides from across Victoria joined the Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos on the steps of Parliament House to announce the new funding today.

The funding will allow Girl Guides Victoria to increase its engagement with young Victorian women facing additional barriers and challenges to get involved in guiding activities.

Projects will include increasing the participation of young women from public housing estates and partnering with a school in an area of high socio-economic disadvantage to establish a new Girl Guide unit.

Inclusive camping activities will also be developed in a way that allows participation of young women with different abilities, and those living in areas less likely to have experienced camping or outdoor adventure activities.

The funding will be provided over two years and is part of the Labor Government’s $8 million commitment for a range of programs to benefit and support young Victorians.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos

“The Andrews Labor Government is proud to support Girl Guides Victoria in helping young Victorian women become the leaders of tomorrow.”

“This funding will help engage more young Victorian women from disadvantaged backgrounds to get involved in guiding activities and empower them to develop and grow in a positive and supportive environment.” 

“Girl Guides Victoria is a great organisation building the leaders of tomorrow, with a strong focus on empowering young women and providing them with unique opportunities to grow in a supportive environment.”