Expanding Help For Latrobe Valley Families

Wednesday 16 August 2017

More parents and their babies in the Latrobe Valley are getting the extra support they need through the Andrews Labor Government’s expansion of the Maternal Child Health Service.

Around 600 additional families will be supported through the expanded Enhanced Maternal Child Health Service until their child turns three.

Previously, this intensive support cut out after just one year – leaving many parents without much-needed advice as they prepared their children for kinder.

Enhanced MCH services provide more intensive assistance to families needing the most support and facing particular disadvantage and multiple risk factors such as mental health, homelessness and family violence issues.

As well as providing information on feeding and sleeping, our MCH nurses also give vital advice on a child’s development and help ensure our kids get the best start in life.

Around 37,000 families across Victoria will be able to rely on the enhanced MCH services from mid-2018 – meaning more MCH nurses will be needed across Victoria.

Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos visited Traralgon’s MCH centre today to announce the 2018 MCH Nursing Scholarship program would be expanded to help boost the number of MCH nurses across Victoria.

There will be additional scholarships available next year and their value will be increased to a maximum of $10,000 – up from $5,000 in past years.

MCH Nursing Scholarships help eligible nursing professionals complete further education in maternal and child health, and to maintain the quality and capacity of Victoria’s MCH nursing workforce.

The extra scholarships are part of the Labor Government’s $202.1 million Early Childhood Reform Plan, which will deliver better services to parents with young children and improve early intervention for kids who need extra support.

Applications for the 2018 Scholarship program open in September. For more information, visit mchscholarship.awardsplatform.com

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“We’re making sure more families can access the vital support they need to raise healthy, happy kids who are ready for kinder – no matter where they live.”

“We know the early years can shape a child’s entire life – that’s why extending our Maternal Child Health support is so important for first time parents.”

Quote attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria Harriet Shing

“By extending our Enhanced Maternal Child Health Service we’re helping more children in the Latrobe Valley get the best start in life.”