Euroa Saleyards Steers Towards Second Upgrade Stage

Wednesday 1 June 2016

The second stage of Euroa’s Saleyard upgrade is set to begin thanks to the Andrews Labor Government’s $500,000 investment to secure the future of the facility and safeguard employment.

Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford today toured the saleyards before officially launching stage two of the project, which builds on previous works completed last year.

The Euroa Saleyards are a major cattle-selling centre for the region with each of the 14 annual sale days currently generating up to $2 million. The redevelopment will revitalise ageing infrastructure and ensure the facility’s sustainability by:

  • Relocating overhead power lines away from existing unroofed pens
  • Constructing a new laneway to improve cattle circulation between roofed pens, holding yards, loading bays and scales
  • Finalising roof extensions to cover 32 pens and the scales area
  • Improving water conservation measures including full stormwater capture for reuse within the facility
  • Upgrading the office and meeting room
  • Improving the kiosk and office
  • Reducing operational costs by $5000 every year

The upgrade will also ensure the saleyard meets European Union accreditation standards, a move which is expected to increase livestock sale numbers each year – potentially attracting more buyers, increasing business for livestock carriers and boosting the local economy.

The Labor Government is supporting the Strathbogie Shire to deliver the project, alongside the Saleyards Committee and other user groups. Local firm, Don Newnham Engineering has been awarded the tender.

Through its $500 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund, the Labor Government is supporting projects across regional and rural Victoria that build critical infrastructure, secure jobs, invest in communities and support new and emerging technology.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“The redevelopment of the Euroa Saleyards will boost economic growth across the region, secure local jobs, and increase export potential for local farmers.”

“We’re safeguarding the future of the Euroa Saleyards to give our livestock producers certainty. ”

Quotes attributable to the Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes

”Saleyards are important to our farmers, their families and local country economies, that’s why Labor committed to this important project before the election – it’s great to see it under way.”