Enhancing Community Harmony In Victoria

Friday 26 August 2016

The Andrews Labor Government today announced more than $2.8 million of grants to build on the relationships between Victoria’s diverse cultures and faiths, as part of the new Community Harmony Program.

The Community Harmony Program is designed to support women, young people, new and emerging communities, and multicultural LGBTI Victorians.

It aims to assist Victoria’s many multicultural communities to participate in all aspects of life in Victoria by:

  • Increasing intercultural, inter-community and inter-religious interaction, engagement and understanding
  • Supporting diverse groups to develop relationships with one another and deliver initiatives that promote community harmony
  • Building community leadership capacity to respond to emerging challenges
  • Building understanding about shared values among cultural and religious differences.

Competition for funding under the Community Harmony Program was strong, with almost 170 applications submitted statewide.

An extensive merit assessment process was undertaken for the Community Harmony program, involving separate panels with subject matter experts from a wide range of organisations, a high-level strategic panel and VMC ratification.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott

“We’re working to build a thriving, diverse and harmonious Victoria.”

“The Community Harmony Program brings communities together and creates more understanding and respect in our society by connecting Victoria’s diverse cultures and faiths with each other and the wider community.”