Drought Proofing Community Sport And Recreation

Thursday 7 April 2016

The Andrews Labor Government today announced the first projects to receive funding under the $3 million Community Sport and Recreation Program for drought affected communities across north-western Victoria.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville today announced a $170,000 boost for the Donald Weir Pool project and $75,000 to upgrade the water infrastructure at the town’s recreation reserve.

Other projects announced today include:

  • $75,000 to upgrade water infrastructure at Charlton’s recreational reserve
  • $144,000 to improve access and recreational facilities at Taylors Lake
  • $72,000 to look at how to address seepage issues at Green Lake at Sea Lake to enable future recreational water delivery
  • $70,000 to invest in potential water supply to Jeparit Weir Pool

The Donald Weir Pool project will include a study to determine the best way forward as well as funds for construction. Donald Mineral Sands has generously offered to donate water for the initial filling of the Weir Pool.

The Community Sport and Recreation Program was announced last month and will support sporting clubs and recreational facilities affected by drought. This includes developing more efficient solutions for water access and specific projects to increase certainty of recreational opportunities at lakes and weirs through drought periods.

The program is a key part of the $10 million Drought Support Fund announced in November last year as part of the Labor Government’s $27 million Drought Response Package.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“Sport and recreation are at the heart of our rural communities and these projects will help to reduce the severe impacts that low rainfall is having on sport and recreation activities reliant on water.”

“We are targeting projects aimed at reducing the impact of drought so rural communities can still play sport, and access recreation and physical activities in dry periods.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

“The Donald Weir Pool project and the water infrastructure upgrade at Donald’s recreation reserve are great examples of what this program is designed to achieve - protecting sport and recreation opportunities in times of drought.”