Drought Loans Welcome But Eligibility A Concern

Friday 6 February 2015

The Andrews Labor Government has welcomed today’s long-awaited announcement from the Federal Government that drought concessional loans are finally available for Victorian farmers.

This is good news for farmers who have been doing it tough, and who have been waiting for Federal Government drought relief for some time.

The loans will help affected farmers get back on their feet and assist with operating expenses, drought preparedness and recovery activities.

The Labor Government remains concerned about the number of Victorian farmers who will miss out on this critical support as a result of the Federal Government’s eligibility criteria.

The Labor Government will continue to work with the Federal Government to resolve issues around loan eligibility.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford

“After a number of delays by the Federal Government, I’m pleased this much needed support is finally flowing to Victorian farmers in need.”

“I don’t want to see farmers who need this help miss out – that’s why I’ll continue to advocate on behalf of Victorian farmers to resolve the issues around loan eligibility.”

“Agriculture is one of Victoria’s key economic drivers, contributing $11 billion to our economy, and we need to do everything we can to support our farmers and this critical industry.”