Drought Funding Boost For Victorian Farmers

Wednesday 20 January 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is backing drought-affected farmers with an additional $100,000 in funding to provide grants of up to $2000 for farmers to implement stock containment areas.

The new funding is in addition to the $10 million Drought Response Fund allocated in November 2015.

Visiting drought-affected farmers in Kaniva today, Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford witnessed first-hand some of the issues faced by farmers across large areas of the state.

The new funding will be split across the four Catchment Management Authorities administering the Stock Containment Area grants program in the Wimmera, Mallee, North Central and Goulburn Broken regions.

This new funding is in addition to the $500,000 allocated for stock containment area grants through the Government’s $27 million drought package launched in November 2015.

Stock containment areas deliver a range of benefits during drought conditions, including minimising soil erosion, enabling faster pasture recovery, limiting the spread of weeds and allowing for good stock management.

The four Catchment Management Authorities administering this program will continue to work through existing applications and a new application period will not be required.  High priority applications are being assessed first to ensure the program is delivered in the most efficient and effective way possible.

Information on the drought support available can be found at www.agriculture.vic.gov.au/drought or through the Drought Information Line on 136 186.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“Stock containment area grants have been popular and the initial allocation of funding has been over-subscribed, that’s why we are providing additional funding for more grants to help more farmers.”

“The applications have initially been prioritised against criteria focusing on higher stocking levels and those who have not received Stock Containment Area grant funding in the last 10 years.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Water Lisa Neville

“As we continue to experience low storage levels across most of the state, we will work with communities on how we can best support and work with them during these difficult times.”

“It's great to see both the Stock Containment and Drought Employment Program have been well received along with many of the standpipes which are now up and running.”