Delivering A New Rehab Facility In Mildura

Friday 6 May 2022

The Andrews Labor Government will deliver a specialist drug and alcohol residential withdrawal and rehabilitation facility in Mildura – the first of its kind in the region.

Minister for Health Martin Foley today visited Mildura to announce the Victorian Budget 2022/23 is investing $36 million to construct the new state-of-the-art facility – for residents across the Mallee and the north-west.    

Based on the successful new residential rehabilitation facilities in Corio, Traralgon and Wangaratta, the new facility is part of the Labor Government’s commitment to ensuring all Victorians get the treatment and care they need, close to home.

Designed to create a welcoming and healing space for individuals and their loved ones, the new 30-bed adult residential withdrawal and rehabilitation facility will provide a therapeutic and home-like environment where people experiencing addiction can get the help they need to overcome alcohol and other drug use.

The facility will support members of the community going through withdrawal or detox and provide 24-hour care and support for people who have been through withdrawal or stabilisation and need to continue their treatment.

It will also include consulting, staff and support areas, several shared spaces including a kitchen, dining, lounge and activity areas, and an extensive outdoor deck and landscaped areas for outdoor program activities.

This announcement means people seeking help for alcohol and drug dependencies in Mildura and the Mallee can get the right treatment without needing to travel long distances or leave the local support networks they rely on. It will support around 300 people every year.

The new facility in Mildura builds on a $52.1 million investment by the Labor Government to deliver new alcohol and drug residential rehabilitation facilities in Corio, Traralgon and Wangaratta which will provide care to 900 Victorians every year.

Since 2015, the Government has more than doubled the number of residential rehabilitation beds across the state – with the majority in regional Victoria.

Quote attributable to Minister for Health Martin Foley

“When the Liberals and Nationals had the chance, they cut funding and privatised public health in Mildura. Unlike them we have returned the public hospital to the community and are delivering new services and facilities to ensure all residents get the best possible care, close to home.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp

“Delivering this facility in Mildura will help people across the Mallee to get the care and support they need close to home and get their lives back on track.

“Addiction has a devastating impact on local communities – particularly in regional Victoria. This new facility in Mildura will create lasting change in people’s lives and help them stay connected to their communities.” 

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