Delivering Better Local Roads For Regional Victorians

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Local council roads will get a massive boost the with the Andrews Labor Government today unveiling a $100 million Fixing Country Roads Program as part of a record $941 million regional roads investment.

Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan joined Member for Jaclyn Symes near Benalla today to open the first round of the Labor Government’s $100 million Fixing Country Roads Program.

Unlike the previous Liberal National Government’s dud Country Roads and Bridges Program, this fund is not a blank cheque to councils. It comes with strict requirements to ensure money is actually spent on local roads.

Projects will include rebuilding deteriorating roads, sealing gravel roads, bridge strengthening, intersection improvements and safety upgrades.

These grants come on top of the biggest road maintenance blitz regional Victoria has ever seen, $333 million is being invested this year to repair, rebuild and resurface 1,500 kilometres of country roads – creating more than 650 construction jobs in regional Victoria.

The Labor Government has more than doubled road maintenance spending since coming to office and established Regional Roads Victoria a new, dedicated country roads authority to oversee this record investment.

Applications for round one of the Fixing Country Roads Program are now open until 15 October. Successful council projects will be delivered by June 2019.

For more information or to apply visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan

“Since coming to office we’ve doubled spending on road maintenance to make sure that regional Victorians get the road works they need.”

“We’ve heard what regional Victorians have had to say about their local roads, now we’re investing $100 million over two years to help local councils deliver safer, faster and more reliable journeys.”      

Quotes attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes

“The Andrews Labor Government is getting on with the biggest road maintenance blitz our region has ever seen – fixing the roads we all rely on.”

“This fund will make a big difference for our local councils, making sure that council managed roads aren’t left behind as we roll out our record investment in country roads.”