David Davis Caught Out On Council Funding

Thursday 7 May 2015

Opposition Spokesperson for Local Government, David Davis, has today been caught out, failing to realise that nearly $30 million in cuts to local council funding had been made by the Federal Liberal Government.

The Commonwealth delivers funding for local councils through the state, but $29.6 million has been cut by the Abbott Government.

Minister for Local Government, Natalie Hutchins, said the Abbott Government had cut the indexation of Commonwealth Financial Assistance Grants and frozen Local Roads Grants and General Purpose Grants.

Additionally, funding to local government from the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements had also decreased.

Ms Hutchins said the impact of the Abbott Government’s cuts had been clearly highlighted in the budget papers, but that Mr Davis appeared to have wilfully misinterpreted the funding in an attempt to mislead councils.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Local Government, Natalie Hutchins

“David Davis has been caught out, he needs to stop shifting blame and fess up. The nearly $30 million of cuts were the work of his Liberal friends in Canberra.”

"The Liberals should stop playing politics and stand up to Tony Abbott and demand that this funding be restored to Victoria.”

"David Davis should also stop flip flopping on rate capping. Either he stands with Victorian ratepayers, or he doesn't.”

"In contrast, we've delivered a record $40.5 million for library services, $5.4m for library infrastructure and the Premiers’ Reading Challenge, and $50 million for a new Interface Council Infrastructure Fund."