Dandenong’s Frontline Response Boosted To Fight Crime

Wednesday 28 September 2016

A new police tactical unit is putting more boots on the ground and improving frontline responses in the Dandenong area to target crime hotspots and lock up repeat offenders.

Visiting the 24-hour Dandenong Police Station today, Minister for Police Lisa Neville and Member for Dandenong Gabrielle Williams thanked police for their targeted approach to crime to keep the community safe.

Officers from the frontline tactical unit are proactively patrolling the streets of Dandenong – responding to high volume crime including theft from motor vehicles. Police are also blitzing high-risk areas and cracking down on recidivist offenders.

The new police unit has so far arrested nearly 60 people and charged them with more than 100 offences.

Victoria Police’s Operation Cosmas – which investigates aggravated burglaries and carjackings – has made more than 180 arrests made since May. Operation Regarder has also been successful in putting the brakes on hoon behaviour.

The Andrews Labor Government has given police new powers to deal with violent crime – creating new carjacking and home invasion offences with statutory minimum sentences for the aggravated offences.

The $596 million Public Safety Package announced in the Victorian Budget 2016/17 is funding an additional 406 police, mobile technology and other specialist equipment.

This includes 300 frontline police who will be deployed across Victoria to respond to local crime issues and the increased demand for police in growth areas.

Police Custody Officers are also now on duty at Dandenong Police Station, allowing police to return to the front line to keep the community safe. They have already worked more than 11,000 shifts to free up police time.

More than 230 custody officers are working at 22 of Victoria’s busiest police stations.

Since November 2014, the Labor Government has funded 1156 police personnel to keep Victorians safe.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“Dandenong’s frontline tactical unit is improving responses to crime in the area with a focus on repeat offenders to ensure the community is kept safe.”

“Thanks to the successful Police Custody Officer program, more police from Dandenong are returning to the frontline to fight crime – that’s what they were trained to do.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Dandenong Gabrielle Williams

“Police are continuing to make arrests for aggravated burglaries and carjackings in Dandenong – and the work of the new tactical unit and Operation Cosmas has been outstanding.”

“These crimes have a traumatic effect on victims and the additional patrols and targeted operations are seeing the perpetrators locked up.”