Community Projects To Tackle Graffiti Across Victoria

Monday 9 November 2015

Vertical gardens, rapid removal squads, adopt-a-space programs and street art are among the ways Victorian communities will be fighting graffiti in 2016.

Twenty-four towns and suburbs across Victoria will benefit from the Andrews Labor Government’s $487,000 Graffiti Prevention Grants Program, which helps councils and community groups work together to remove or prevent illegal graffiti.

Most of the successful anti-graffiti projects, which are capped at $25,000, are aimed at educating school students, turning taggers into street artists and improving public spaces.

The grants program is part of the Government’s $5.8 million investment in community crime prevention to tackle crime and its root causes.

As part of the Community Crime Prevention program, the Government has also invested:

  • $2.5 million in Public Safety Infrastructure Grants to give councils money to build large security installations such as CCTV and street lighting
  • $830,000 in Community Safety Funds to help councils and community groups reduce crime through practical grassroots projects such as installing better security equipment, encouraging people to use public spaces and outreach programs to deter youth from breaking the law.

The list of successful anti-graffiti projects is available at

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Justice Ben Carroll

Graffiti can make people feel less safe in a public space. It’s illegal and it costs communities and property owners a lot of money to remove.’’

“This funding will help communities prevent unsightly illegal graffiti from ruining their public spaces.’’

There is no one way to stop graffiti and Victorian communities know best when it comes to choosing the right approach for their local areas.’’