Colac Pipeline To Secure Future Water Supply

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Construction of a new 11-kilometre pipeline to help secure Colac’s water supply is another step closer after the contract was awarded to a local company.

Minister for Water Lisa Neville today announced R Slater & Sons as the successful tenderer for the pipeline portion of the Colac water supply upgrade project.

Further contracts are still to be awarded for the construction of a 50 million litre storage basin, pump station and diversion regulator.

Barwon Water last year announced it had accelerated plans to upgrade Colac’s water supply by two years, following an updated water security assessment.

Colac will be connected to the Geelong system by mid-2017 – effectively doubling its supply capacity and boosting water security for the region.

The $19.3 million upgrade will cater for future growth while reducing the threat of reduced catchment inflows in very dry years.

It will also offer protection against the risk of bushfires, land-slips and failure of the existing 28-kilometre supply pipeline from the West Gellibrand and Olangolah reservoirs.

The project involves constructing a new off-take from the Wurdee Boluc channel near the existing Barwon Downs borefield pipeline, a new 50 million litre storage basin and pump station at the Gerangamete treatment plant and an 11km pipeline from there to the existing Colac supply pipeline.

While the supplementary supply will be sourced from the Wurdee Boluc channel, water also could be accessed from the borefield under extreme dry conditions as a further security measure.

Construction is expected to begin in September.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Water Lisa Neville

“This is a hugely significant project for the Colac community – creating jobs in the construction industry, improving water security and ensuring Barwon Water can cater for future growth.”

“The need for water restrictions in Colac earlier this year highlighted the vulnerability of the current water supply system – which is entirely dependent on rainfall.”

“Connection to the Geelong system means Colac has a back-up supply source – linking it the Victorian water grid.”

Quotes attributable to Barwon Water Managing Director Joe Adamski

“This project is another example of Barwon Water’s significant investment in water security.”

“Our diverse supply system means we are well placed to meet future demand.”