City Controller To Ensure We Get On With Our Big Build

Wednesday 17 October 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is set to appoint a City Controller to help get on with Victoria’s next big build.

With the world’s biggest tram network, largest managed motorway system and with $38 billion of major transport upgrades currently underway, Melbourne’s first transport coordinator will manage works across the city to get people home sooner and safer.

Similar positions have been successful in some of the largest cities in the world and an international search is now underway to appoint Melbourne’s first City Controller to keep the movement of people and goods flowing in a 24/7 global city.

The role will ensure:

  • Prevention of multiple construction projects and major events from gridlocking parts of Melbourne by coordinating works and delivering extra services including the extension of free public transport at key times and places
  • Better coordinate future state and local government construction programs
  • Control the time of day for permits to close major transport arteries to keep people safe around construction areas
  • Develop a Transport Control Centre to support Melbourne as this big build continues

The City Controller will work with the City of Melbourne, CBD employers and local government to reduce the impacts from the over $40 billion of transport projects and upgrades throughout Victoria.

They will also provide regular advice to Government on network performance to make better transport decisions.

The newly created role within Transport for Victoria will increase coordination across transport agencies, local government, major sporting events, essential services and the construction and freight industries.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport Jacinta Allan

“We know how frustrating the impacts of disruption can be - the City Controller will help minimise these impacts on the millions of people who move around our city every year.”

“As we continue to remove level crossings, upgrade tram stops and build the public transport system Victoria needs – this is what we need if we want Melbourne to keep being a 24/7 city.”

Quotes attributable to Road and Road Safety Minister Luke Donnellan

“We know that there will be significant disruption in Melbourne and around the state for many years to come, as we build the roads and public transport system our state needs.”

“Other big cities already have this system in place and it’s time we did the same for Melbourne.”