Celebrating 75 Years Of Training At The William Angliss Institute

Monday 25 May 2015

Minister for Training and Skills, Steve Herbert, has congratulated the William Angliss Institute on 75 years of providing high quality training.

Speaking at a gala dinner at the Angliss restaurant this evening, Mr Herbert paid tribute to the hard work of the Institute’s leaders, teachers and students who have helped build the Angliss into one of the country’s largest specialist centres for food, hospitality, tourism and events education.

Three graduate chefs who have gone on to forge successful careers in the hospitality industry – Nicky Riemer, Peter Wright and Michael Furness – designed one course each. Apprentice chefs cooked, hospitality students matched the courses with wine and the event was themed by events students.

The Institute was established in 1940 by businessman and philanthropist Sir William Angliss as Australia’s first trade college for the food industry.

Since then, it has grown to offer more than 55 nationally accredited courses and train 18,000 students annually.

The Andrews Labor Government is committed to supporting the William Angliss Institute to continue growing into the future, noting the importance of hospitality and tourism to the state’s economy.

The 2015-16 Victorian Budget provided $350 million to support public TAFE institutes such as the William Angliss Institute, to invest in new facilities and deliver more training that leads to jobs and increased productivity.

The independent VET Funding Review, headed by Bruce Mackenzie, is also advising the Labor Government on a more sustainable and stable funding model to support the TAFE and training system to meet Victoria’s skills needs for the long-term.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills, Steve Herbert

“The William Angliss Institute has grown from humble beginnings 75 years ago to become a key part of Victoria’s, food, hospitality and tourism sector.”

“Some of our nation’s top chefs have trained here, and I doubt there would be a Victorian alive who hasn’t enjoyed a meal prepared by someone who was trained at the Angliss.”

“We’re dedicated to the Institute and our TAFE system. We’ve fast-tracked a $2 million grant to strengthen the Angliss and our first Budget provides $350 million to help our TAFEs deliver more training that leads to jobs.”