Building The Education State In Thomastown

Sunday 11 October 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is making sure every child has every chance to achieve their best in Thomastown schools.

During visits to Thomastown East and Lalor Gardens primary schools earlier today, Minister for Education James Merlino discussed how additional equity funding would support both schools to deliver better results for students.

Lalor Gardens Primary School received $498,000 in equity funding for the 2016 school year - an increase of more than $200,000 - as part of the Labor Government's $566 million Education State commitment over four years to provide more support for kids who need it most.

Thomastown East Primary School will receive $248,500 in equity funding for 2016 - an increase of more than $106,500 on last year. The school will also benefit from $334,000 of funding earmarked for maintenance of its administration wing and also to improve facilities at the school as part of the $27 million set aside in the 2015-16 Victorian Budget for refurbishment works in schools.

The 2015-16 Victorian Budget invested almost $4 billion in Victoria's education and skills system - representing the single biggest boost to education funding in Victoria's history.

This includes $325 million to renovate, refurbish or rebuild 67 schools. It will fund the first stage of an extensive asbestos removal program so that families can be assured their children are being educated in safe schools.

The Budget also includes $180 million for programs that will help families cover the extra costs of education, like camps, excursions and uniforms, so no child misses out.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

"We're investing almost $4 billion to make Victoria the Education State, so every community has access to great local schools and every child gets the chance to succeed."

"As part of our Education State plan, $566 million in additional funding over four years will provide more support for schools and students who need it most - helping to break the cycle of disadvantage. "

"The Education State is also preparing our kids for life and work in the modern world - through the new curriculum with subjects such as digital coding and respectful relationships and ambitious new targets to improve student learning and development."

Quotes attributable to Member for Thomastown Bronwyn Halfpenny

"Thomastown schools are a great example of how Victorian children are being supported to reach their full potential."

“These visits show that the Andrews Labor Government is serious about improving schools in Thomastown, it’s a great opportunity for the Deputy Premier to see our challenges and our achievements firsthand.”