Brightening Ararat’s Link For Community Safety

Friday 12 October 2018

People in Ararat are set to benefit from more lighting in Alexandra Gardens to improve community safety and help reduce criminal activity in the area, as part of a project funded by the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford joined Ararat City Council at the Alexandra Gardens foreshore today to announce over $230,000 for the project as part of the latest round of grants from the Public Safety Infrastructure Fund.

The grant will fund the installation of lighting in Alexandra Gardens and the Ararat Active Link, including the Bill Waterston Skate Park, to reduce criminal and anti-social activity, and increase legitimate use of the area by the people of Ararat.

Pole mounted lights and lighting bollards will be installed in Alexandra gardens and further pole lighting will be installed in the Ararat Active Link around the skate park and entrances.

Ararat City Council will deliver this project in partnership with Ararat Active8 health and wellbeing group, which includes Parkrun and the Ladies Cycling group, and Victoria Police.

The Labor Government has already invested $430,000 to Ararat Active Link to upgrade the skate park (stage one) as part of its Community Sports Infrastructure Fund, in partnership with Ararat Rural City Council and the Ararat Skate Park Committee - which included donations - fundraising and pledges from local businesses.

The grants program supports infrastructure projects that improve community safety, security and confidence in public places as a part of the Labor Government’s $25 million investment in its Community Crime Prevention Program, building on previous investment of $19.4 million in the program.

This is in stark contrast to the Liberals, who when in government, failed to continue funding for crime prevention programs, leaving them in danger of lapsing.

Labor saved these grants when coming into office and have a proven track record of investing in crime prevention projects that are backed by evidence and supported by the community and Victoria Police.

Since July 2015, the Labor Government has provided more than $12 million in public safety infrastructure grants to help support 74 infrastructure projects across Victoria. These investments are already making a difference with crime across Victoria falling 7 per cent in the last year, according to the independent Crime Statistics Agency.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“This new lighting will increase community safety and security in the Alexandra Gardens, so more people can enjoy them more often.”

“Through our record investment in community safety we’re giving Victoria Police the resources, equipment and technology the need to keep Victorians safe.”