Ararat Commission Of Inquiry Report Received

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Acting Minister for Local Government Lily D’Ambrosio has today received the Ararat Commission of Inquiry’s report into Ararat Rural City Council’s rating strategy and administrative capacity.

The Commission of Inquiry was appointed on June 29 and was tasked with consulting the local community on the councils rating strategy and proposing a better way forward.

Council’s draft budget proposed to bring to an end all differential rates in the city, which would have increased the cities total rate revenue from farms by over 50 per cent.

The Commissioners held both private and public consultations with the ratepayers of Ararat as part of their inquiry.

The Minister for Local Government will now consider the report’s findings and recommendations before providing it to the Council and community.

Quotes attributable to Acting Minister for Local Government Lily DAmbrosio

“I thank the Commissioners for their hard work over the past month in producing this report into Ararat Council.”

The report will now be considered prior to it being provided to the council and a decision on their budget and rating strategy.”