Andrews Government Rolls In For Wallan Bowls

Thursday 18 October 2018

Bowls enthusiasts in Wallan can look forward to having a bowl day and night thanks to a $70,000 funding boost from the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Sport John Eren and Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green today announced that Wallan Bowling Club will be able to install lighting around the club’s competition green thanks to the Labor Government’s Community Support Fund.

The announcement adds to the $700,000 the Labor Government has already invested in netball and bowling at Greenhill Reserve.

Victorian sports clubs are the lifeblood of our towns and the Labor Government is giving them the modern, accessible, and safe facilities they deserve.

The fund is helping to build new sport and active recreation facilities and rejuvenate tired grounds and ageing clubrooms across the state.

The boost is part of the Labor Government’s commitment to promoting sports and active recreation and encouraging all Victorians to get involved and enjoy the sports they love.

Across Victoria we've invested more than $420 million in community sport and recreation facilities to get more people moving and help bring communities together.

It’s backed by almost half a billion dollars in the Victorian Budget 2018/19 to ensure sport and active recreation continue to be accessible to everyone regardless of gender or location.

Mr Eren and Ms Green acknowledged Mitchell Shire Council for its financial contribution to this project.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Sport John Eren

We’re giving local communities the facilities they need so more locals can play the sports they love.”

“Sports like bowls are booming across the state and we want to ensure no-one misses out on the benefits sport and recreation deliver.”

Quote attributable to Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green

“Congratulations to Wallan Bowling Club – this boost will go a long way to supporting the growing number of people in Wallan keen to get involved in local sport and recreation.”