Almost 320,000 New Victorian Jobs In Three Years

Thursday 14 December 2017

Victoria’s tremendous jobs growth shows no sign of slowing with the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) confirming today that nearly 320,000 jobs have been created since the Andrews Labor Government was elected.

This is the highest employment growth in Australia in both absolute and percentage terms. More than two thirds of the 319,100 jobs, a massive 205,200, were fulltime – the highest growth rate of all the states.

In the past month alone, Victoria’s employment increased by 32,900 people – by far the lion’s share of jobs generated by the states and more than the rest of the nation combined. More than half of all jobs created across Australia during the month were created in Victoria.

Over the year to November 2017, there were 109,600 new jobs created. This is more than the previous Liberal Government created in four years.

Victoria’s unemployment rate has also fallen to 5.5 per cent, a far cry from the 6.8 per cent when the Coalition was ousted three years ago.

The decline in the unemployment rate is all the more impressive given the increase in the State’s participation rate – the amount of people actively in employment or looking for work.

Victoria’s population has increased more than two per cent over the year to June 2017, well above the national average of 1.6 per cent. Notably, the participation rate has also risen – 1.5 percentage points since November 2014 – the highest increase of all the states.

The Labor Government will continue to manage this population growth and invest in our people – in their skills, in their ideas, in their energy – and giving them the infrastructure and services they need.

Whether it’s our enviable lifestyle, our employment opportunities or our strong economy, Victoria continues to be a destination of choice for those from interstate and around the world.

Quotes attributable to Treasurer Tim Pallas

“Since we were elected, a further 320,000 Victorians have found jobs — the vast majority of them full time — meaning a better future for workers and their families.”

“Our strong infrastructure pipeline and tax cuts for business are reducing impediments to growth and creating the jobs of tomorrow.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Ben Carroll

“We’re getting it done and creating more jobs for Victorians, thanks to an unprecedented pipeline of infrastructure projects on the go.”