Shepparton Budget Up In Record Funding Boost For Victoria’s Health System

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Goulburn Valley Health will share in record funding to give more patients the world-class treatment and care they deserve faster, as part of a massive boost to health care.

The Andrews Labor Government is investing $201.51 million in Goulburn Valley Health. That’s $23.1 million more than the previous 12 months – a 12.9 per cent increase.

The funding for Goulburn Valley Health has increased by $54.74 million, or 37.3 per cent, since 2014/15 - the last year the former Liberal Nationals Government were in power.

It’s all part of the Labor Government’s 2018/19 budget allocations for all Victorian hospitals – a record $11.5 billion investment.

It means hospitals are set to share in 10 per cent more funding than the previous 12 months – and 31 per cent more than when the Liberals and Nationals were in Government.

The Andrews Labor Government is giving our hospitals the funding they need to treat more patients sooner, and closer to home.

The record funding boost will ensure our hospitals can provide the very best treatment and care to the 1.9 million patients expected to be admitted to hospital and the 1.8 million Victorians who will access emergency departments in the coming 12 months.

All this would be at risk under a Liberal Nationals Government – who cut health funding, close beds and privatise hospitals to benefit their mates in the big end of town.

In total, the Labor Government is investing $19.4 billion in Victoria’s health system, including ambulance services, mental health and drug and alcohol services, aged care, community health and other services.

The funding boost will open more beds, offer better specialist care and give families even greater access to a wide range of services.

Quote attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“We’re delivering record funding to ensure that Goulburn Valley Health and our other hospitals can treat more patients faster – and closer to home.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp

“All this would be put at risk by the Liberals and Nationals – who always cut health funding, hurting patients and making it harder for Victorian families to get the care they need when they need it.”