Shame, Shame, Shame

Wednesday 6 April 2022

The Victorian Liberals and Nationals today showed how much they care about Victorians – by shamefully trying to shutdown debate on mental health funding and emission reductions targets.

During the Matter of Public Importance debate in the Legislative Assembly, the Manager of Opposition Business, Louise Staley, tried to gag proceedings and end the debate on these important issues.

The Assembly was debating the Victorian Liberals recent backflips on the Mental Health Levy and Emission Reduction Targets.

The Leader of the Opposition categorically stated in February 2022 that the Mental Health Levy would be axed if the Opposition won government before recently backflipping on that policy.

On Emission Reductions Targets, the Liberals have a track record of consistently trying to gut the Andrews Labor Government’s renewable energy legislation, including the Renewable Energy (Jobs and Investment) Bill 2017.

Without explanation or reason, and after just one hour of debate, Louise Staley moved a motion to deny proceedings going into the second hour.

It is extremely rare for an Opposition to move to stifle debate during a Matter of Public Importance. In this instance, the motion was defeated 43 votes to 22, with the Opposition Whip, Brad Rowswell, apologising for initially getting wrong his vote count.

Quotes attributable to Leader of the House Jacinta Allan

“The Liberals and Nationals today at 5pm showed what they think of mental health and climate change – it’s not worth even talking about, turning their backs on issues that Victorians are concerned about and look to this government to take action.”

“Matters of Public Importance should be treated with respect and not face attempts to be shut down by Liberal and Nationals MPs more interested in heading home or for the dining room and Members’ bar.”

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