Secret Deal To Breach Donation Laws Referred To Agencies

Tuesday 2 August 2022

Following revelations about Liberal Leader Matthew Guy’s alleged involvement in a secret scheme to breach Victoria’s donation laws, the Victorian Government will make referrals to the relevant law enforcement, integrity and regulatory agencies.

The Victorian Government will refer this matter to:

  • Victoria Police – to examine whether any conduct would constitute a criminal offence.
  • The Victorian Electoral Commission – as to whether this is a breach of Victorian electoral laws, given the secret deal is around 30 times the legal donation threshold.
  • The Victorian Ombudsman and Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission – to investigate what was promised and whether this secret deal constitutes corrupt conduct.
  • Australian Federal Police – to ensure this deal was not with a foreign entity and not in breach of Commonwealth laws.

According to media reports, the contract underpinning the secret deal was sent directly to Mr Guy’s personal email address by his then chief of staff with the following advice:

“It’s as per the original email agreement between you and me. Can I leave you to forward onto him? [Lawyers] will liaise with him when you do.”

Mr Guy must immediately provide details of the ‘original email agreement’, disclose the identity of the secret donor and explain why this secret deal to potentially circumvent donation laws was even contemplated.

He must also immediately disclose what undertakings were given in secret to a Liberal donor, whether there are other similar arrangements, with whom and on what terms.

Victorians have the right to know how many other donors have been offered these secret deals.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Government Services Danny Pearson

“Matthew Guy has fundamentally compromised himself – now and for any future role – by his alleged involvement in this secret scheme to circumvent donation laws.”

“Matthew Guy may not have voted for the country’s toughest donation laws, but he is obliged to follow them.”

“Victorians are entitled to answers about this secret deal and the Liberal Party should be demanding their Leader provide them.”

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