- Published:
- Tuesday 5 May 2020
The Victorian Government will provide a further $491 million in tax relief to help save businesses and jobs, and freeze a host of fees, charges and levies to reduce the financial burden on households in another package to support Victorian businesses, workers and families through the coronavirus crisis.
Treasurer Tim Pallas today announced businesses participating in the JobKeeper scheme in Victoria will be exempt from payroll tax and the WorkCover premium on payments to their employees if their staff are currently stood down.
The announcement means the $1,500 fortnightly payment paid to staff who are currently stood down will be free from all state government taxes and charges – meaning more money in the pockets of businesses, and more incentive to keep workers on throughout the crisis.
Payments above a part-time employee’s usual salary, due to JobKeeper being a minimum $1500 fortnightly payment, will also be exempt from payroll tax and the WorkCover premium – meaning businesses are not paying more to keep their staff on due to the scheme.
This will help eligible workers who have been stood down by supporting businesses that are doing the right thing by their eligible employees and passing on the JobKeeper payment.
The Government will also freeze all fees and fines that were due to be increased in July at current levels – including car registration, traffic infringements, court-imposed penalties and permit fees. The Fire Services Property Levy paid by all Victorian households will also be frozen at this year’s collection level.
The Government has already announced it will defer the planned Landfill Levy increase due to the coronavirus pandemic.
These announcements build on the Government’s $1.7 billion economic survival and jobs package to help Victorian workers and businesses get through to the other side of the crisis. It includes tax refunds, grants for businesses in the hardest hit sectors and opportunities for affected workers to find new jobs.
Quotes attributable to Treasurer Tim Pallas
“These changes will help businesses, save jobs and reduce the burden on households hit hard by coronavirus.”
“This is money in the pocket of Victorian businesses doing it tough. We know these restrictions have been incredibly difficult – but staying apart has been essential in slowing spread of the virus and saving lives.”
“The last thing Victorian businesses and families need right now is higher fees and fines. These changes will make sure we’re supporting Victorians to get through to the other side of this crisis.”