A Safer CBD: Bourke Street Security Upgrades Underway

Sunday 19 November 2017

Permanent metal bollards will be installed in Bourke Street Mall over the coming weeks, as the suite of Melbourne CBD security upgrades funded by the Andrews Labor Government begin rolling out.

Premier Daniel Andrews joined Minister for Police Lisa Neville, Acting Police Commissioner Andrew Crisp and Lord Mayor of Melbourne Robert Doyle in Bourke Street today to announce the new security plans for the tourist and shopping hot spot, and commencement of works on the permanent bollards

Stainless steel bollards will be installed at the Swanston and Elizabeth street corners of the mall, along with fixed planter boxes in other areas of the mall, to help protect against vehicle attacks.

The works, which commenced on the weekend, form part of the Andrews Labor Government’s $10 million CBD security upgrade following January’s Bourke Street tragedy.

Work will continue to find the right design and technology to prevent a hostile vehicle from entering Bourke Street Mall via the tram track.

The new bollards have been crash rated and independently assessed to withstand significant vehicle force.

Bourke Street Mall is the first of nine sites to receive permanent protective barriers, with the remaining locations to be progressively upgraded over the next 12 months, replacing the temporary bollards installed in June.

The temporary concrete barriers in Bourke Street will be removed in early December once works are completed. The timing of the removal and installation will be staged to ensure the safety of pedestrians in the CBD.

The designs were developed by the City of Melbourne with the assistance of Victoria Police and ensure that trams, pedestrians, and emergency services vehicles can access the mall.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“Following January’s Bourke Street tragedy we acted immediately to put in place security measures to protect our city and keep Victorians safe.”

“We make no apology for putting the safety of those who work, live and visit the CBD first.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“While there is no way to completely eliminate risk, we are doing everything we can to keep pedestrians safe.”

“We have worked closely with Victoria Police and the City of Melbourne to ensure these permanent structures are as effective as they can be and where we need them most.”

Quotes attributable to City of Melbourne Lord Mayor Robert Doyle

“With 720 tram movements and up to 75,000 pedestrian movements per day, as well as necessary access for emergency vehicles and deliveries, a ‘ring of steel’ configuration would not have been possible at Bourke Street Mall. The emphasis is on creating comprehensive safe zones to protect people from a hostile vehicle attack.”

“No one can guarantee against attacks but we have been working very hard and very closely with the Victorian Government and Victoria Police since 20 January to do all we can to protect Melbournians and visitors to our city.”