Review Of Aboriginal Lands Act Underway

Monday 25 July 2016

A review of the Aboriginal Lands Act 1970 is underway to improve governance and enable greater self-determination for Lake Tyers and Framlingham communities.

Originally established to accommodate Aboriginal Victorians forcibly removed from their homelands, the two trusts achieved a degree of self-management through the 1970 Act which established the Lake Tyers and Framlingham Aboriginal Trusts.

At the time of drafting, the current Act was landmark legislation, preceded in Australia only by the South Australian Aboriginal Lands Trust Act 1966 in returning land ownership to Aboriginal communities.

However, the legislation is now outdated and does not give appropriate power to Aboriginal people. It is time to review the 1970’s Act to ensure more culturally appropriate arrangements for self-management of the Trusts and partnerships with the Andrews Labor Government.

A discussion paper will be prepared for community feedback and consultation with members of the Trusts, Aboriginal organisations and government agencies.

An Advisory Committee comprising members from both Trusts and community will be established to provide advice.

Once consultation is complete, a final report including recommendations will be produced for the Minister’s consideration ahead of legislative amendments.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins

“The review aims to improve self-determination for Lake Tyers and Framlingham Aboriginal Trusts.”

“The Aboriginal Lands Act reflects the outdated government policy that was in place at the time of drafting and is overdue for significant reform.”