Revamped Children’s Centre In Carrum

Monday 12 December 2016

The Rene Anderson Kindergarten, Carrum Child Care Centre and Carrum Maternal Child Health Centre have been transformed into a one-stop shop for family and children’s services, offering additional kindergarten and child care places.

Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos officially opened the Carrum Family and Children’s Centre today, congratulating the City of Kingston and the Carrum community for their work in bringing this project to life.

The $4.05 million redevelopment includes four early years rooms, allowing the centre to offer 66 places for the four-year-old kindergarten program, 44 places for three-year-old kindergarten program and 73 places for day care.

The centre also includes maternal and child health services, multipurpose spaces for community and parent group activities, and consulting rooms for early intervention programs and other visiting specialists.

Bringing vital family services, childcare and kindergarten options under the one roof offers flexibility and convenience to the community.

The Victorian Government contributed $1.6 million towards the new centre. The City of Kingston contributed $2,450,000.

The Andrews Labor Government is investing $60 million in the early childhood sector through building and upgrading kindergartens and children’s centres.

Infrastructure projects like these ensure local children’s services have the space and flexibility they need to deliver 15 hours of kindergarten alongside a range of other vital early years programs.

We are also delivering up to $83.7 million over four years to support improved educator-to-child ratios. Staff will be able to give more individual care and attention, and develop more meaningful relationships with children, leading to better social and learning outcomes.

We are making Victoria the Education State – this starts with giving every child a strong start in life.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“The Andrews Labor Government is building the Education State in some of Victoria’s fastest growing areas. We’re ensuring that children have access to early childhood services no matter where they live.”

“High-quality early years education and care are vital to giving every child the best start in life. That’s why this Government is transforming early childhood services.

Quote attributable to Member for Carrum Sonya Kilkenny

“Our community has experienced a significant baby boom in recent years. Investments like this will pay enormous dividends to local families for years to come.”