Restrictions Ease For More Victorian Businesses

Friday 7 May 2021

Density quotients of one person per two square metres will soon be lifted for small-to-medium sized venues across the state – but Victorians need to keep playing their part to help us stay safe and stay open by checking in using the Victorian Government QR Code Service through the Service Victoria app.

From 28 May, these venues can have up to 200 people per space (such as a dining room or band room) without any density limit, provided COVID marshals are on site ensuring all patrons are checking in to each space. These changes will apply for spaces that are 400 sqm or below, larger spaces still need to observe density limits.

This means Victoria’s live music venues, restaurants, bars and nightclubs, will be able to welcome more patrons in a COVIDSafe way. It’s also an important step for places of worship, with people able to register their details and gather in greater numbers within spaces smaller than 400 square metres.

From 28 May, all venues and businesses required to undertake electronic record keeping must use the Victorian Government QR Code Service through the Service Victoria app. This is convenient for Victorians and gives contact tracers access to the best data quickly.

While many Victorians are doing the right thing, public health officials remain concerned about low rates of check-ins. All Victorians are encouraged to download the Service Victoria app to make checking in as fast and easy as possible.

A recent survey showed only 41 per cent of visitors to hospitality venues checked in every time, while 24 per cent of sites visited by Authorised Officers between 30 April and 2 May were warned or received notices due to lack of compliance with electronic record keeping.

The public health advice is clear: in order to ease density quotients at venues, compliance with electronic record keeping among businesses and Victorians has to increase. Moving to a single QR code service through the Service Victoria app will increase compliance and allow restrictions to continue to ease in line with public health advice.

The Victorian Government will communicate with third party providers who engaged with the Visitation API process and ensuring continued strong management of any check-in data held during this three-week transition and implementation period.

Density quotients will also be removed for outdoor non-seated venues such as recreation facilities, community sport, pools, tourism services and non-seated outdoor entertainment (e.g. zoos). Existing COVIDSafe requirements will still apply, supported by use of the Victorian Government QR Code Service.

Quote attributable to Minister for Health Martin Foley

“This change means checking in will be quick and easy and ensure the data is high-quality and easily available to our contract tracers, should any venue be listed as an exposure site.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Government Services and Creative Industries Danny Pearson

“This is great news for many live music venues, restaurants and nightclubs who can open the doors to up to 200 people per space – but getting every Victorian to check in using the QR code service is the goal.”

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