Response To Northern Basin Review Disallowance

Tuesday 6 February 2018

The decision to disallow the Northern Basin amendment by the Greens and the Federal Labor Party raises serious concerns about the future of the Murray Darling Basin Plan.

The scientific review required by the Murray Darling Basin Plan clearly recommended the amendment be made to the amount of water recovery.

The findings were clear that such an amendment would have no detrimental environmental impact.

We are concerned that ignoring the scientific evidence puts the plan back years and ultimately means that political considerations will override decisions of scientists and the ministerial council, which involved the commonwealth and all basin states.

It also brings the future of the 605 SDL adjustment into question, which is due to be considered by the Senate in coming weeks.

The Senate has created huge uncertainty about whether the Plan can now be delivered.

If the 605GL is disallowed, Victorian communities face the potential of further water buy backs and uncertainty, which is unacceptable to the Victorian Government.

We will continue to lobby the Senators from all sides to support the 605GL.

We will be assessing our position on the plan as a result of this decision and will have further discussions with New South Wales.