Respected Industrial Expert Heads Up Building Group

Thursday 3 November 2016

The Andrews Labor Government has appointed respected industrial relations expert, Peter Parkinson, to the Chair of the Building Industry Consultative Council (BICC).

The BICC is made up of employer, union and government representatives and deals with broad industrial issues affecting the Victorian building and construction industry.

Mr Parkinson is an experienced industrial relations and human resources practitioner who has held senior positions with employers, unions and peak bodies.

A well-respected advocate in both federal and state tribunals in Australia, Mr Parkinson has outstanding knowledge and understanding of relevant industrial and employment legislation and practices.

Mr Parkinson was a trade union official and advocate for 23 years, worked with Transfield Pty Ltd in senior executive positions for 16 years and was also employed as an independent Public Transport Industrial Conciliator.

He was appointed as Chair of the Victorian Building Industry Disputes Panel last December. The panel deals with industrial issues affecting the Victorian building and construction industry and plays a central role in dispute resolution.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Industrial Relations Natalie Hutchins

“I am delighted to announce the latest appointment of Peter Parkinson to the very important role of Chair of the BICC.”

“He brings years of diverse experience, enormous talent and understanding to what is one of the most strategically important industries in Victoria.”