Recognising Some Of Our Lowest Paid Health Workers

Monday 5 September 2016

The Andrews Labor Government has today reached an in-principle agreement with the Health Workers Union for a new enterprise agreement that delivers a fair wage increase for some of Victoria’s lowest paid workers.

The enterprise agreement covers the public health system’s lowest paid workers, including cleaners, security guards and personal care workers. It means better, safer care for Victorian patients.

The agreement delivers annualised based increases of 2.5 per cent in line with the Labor Government’s fair pay guide, as well as additional increases linked to service delivery improvements.

The agreement has a gross annualised cost of 3.25 per cent over the life of the four year agreement, and delivers service delivery improvements including:

  • Increased vaccination rates to reduce rates of infection
  • Improved occupational health and safety outcomes
  • Improved patient treatment times and improved patient safety
  • Improved sustainability in our health services, to reduce cost and waste

The agreement will also see productivity improvements through reform of the clerical and administrative wage structure and restructure of allowances.

These workers make sure our hospitals are safe and clean and that patients are fed and receive the support and care they need.

The Labor Government is proud to be providing these workers a fair pay increase that recognises their contribution day in and day out to keeping Victoria’s health system running.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“Without these workers, Victoria’s health system would fall apart.”

“These are the people who clean our hospitals, prepare the food, provide nursing assistance to patients, keep our emergency departments secure, provide interpreter services for culturally and linguistically diverse patients and much, much more.”

“They are some of Victoria’s lowest paid workers and we are proud to be delivering them a well-deserved pay increase that recognises their hard work and professionalism in keeping Victoria’s hospital system running.”