Recognising The Protectors Of Vulnerable Children

Monday 9 April 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is getting ready to celebrate those who work every day to protect vulnerable children and families in Victoria.

Nominations are now open for the Victorian Protecting Children Awards – previously known as the Robin Clark Protecting Children Awards – with all Victorian child protection workers, foster or kinship carers eligible.

Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos said community programs and services in related policy and academic disciplines are also eligible to be nominated.

A range of awards are available to celebrate the valuable and vital roles that professionals and community members are performing to improve the lives of children.

Some of the categories for nomination this year include the Carer Award, the Education Initiative Award and the Minister’s Award for Innovation in Protecting Children.

The awards also recognise the work done to promote country, culture and kinship for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people.

For further information about the award categories and nomination forms, visit

Nominations close on Tuesday, 15 May 2018.

Winners for each category will be announced at the Victorian Protecting Children Awards ceremony held during Child Protection Week.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“There is no greater calling than protecting vulnerable children – it is vital work.”

“There are thousands of Victorians who dedicate their time and effort to looking after vulnerable kids and these awards are one small way of acknowledging and celebrating their work.”

“If you know anyone who deserves recognition, then I encourage you to nominate them.”