Rail Safety Warning As More Children Return To School

Monday 8 June 2020

With thousands more students returning to classrooms across Melbourne tomorrow, children are being warned to be safe around trains.

The return to school of students in Grade 3 to Year 10 means more children will be moving around the network, and extra vigilance will be needed around trains.

There are more than 230 rail safety incidents involving students each year – with 43 recorded in term one alone.

The most common incidents involve mobile phone and headphone distractions, children rushing for trains, forcing open train doors, illegally crossing railway tracks, and using skateboards or scooters on platforms.

Simple actions like putting your phone away, taking your headphones out, and carrying your scooter or skateboard can make a big difference.

Metro works directly with school communities on rail safety issues, including an annual program of classroom visits to teach children how to be safe around trains.

Rail staff have been running virtual learning sessions with children on rail safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Metro engages with around 350 schools each year to promote safe travel on trains.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport Melissa Horne

“Please look out for yourselves and others as our rail network gets busier. There’s no excuse for risk-taking behaviour.”

“Every school student returning to the classroom this week needs to take responsibility for their own safety.”

Quotes attributable to Metro Community Education Officer Kelli Williams

“Trains are 140 metres long, weigh as much as 250 cars, and can’t swerve or stop quickly – so there can be serious consequences if young people take risks.”

“The rail network can be a dangerous place– and we ask students to please look out for one another and speak to staff if they need help.”

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