Putting People First: More Jobs For Kyneton

Friday 25 November 2016

The Andrews Labor Government has helped create 170 local jobs and safeguard 300 existing jobs in Kyneton by supporting a $5.9 million Hardwicks Meat Works expansion.

Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford  and Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas today officially opened the upgraded facility in a boost for local jobs and the regional economy.

The completed project has delivered a new boning room, a cold storage facility and an expansion of the beef and lamb processing floors.

It’s increased the processing plant’s production capacity and has allowed Hardwicks to broaden their product range and improve the quality of the meat products it produces.

The project has provided opportunities for people to access skilled food processing jobs and secured  the longer-term sustainability of Hardwicks’ role as a major private sector employer for the region.

The expansion is set to provide a significant boost to the economic output of the Kyneton region and has strong support from the Macedon Ranges Shire Council and local community.

Through its $500 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund the Labor Government is supporting initiatives across regional and rural Victoria that build critical infrastructure, secure jobs, invest in communities and put people first.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

We’re making sure our food and fibre manufacturers remain competitive and sustainable. That’s why we’re proud to support the Hardwicks Meat Works expansion, which means more jobs for regional Victorians.”

“The meat sector is a significant contributor to Victoria’s economy with Victorian beef and sheep meat products exported around the globe, and valued at more than $2.7 billion in 2015-16.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas

Hardwicks Meat Works expansion will safeguard 300 existing jobs and generate an addition 170 new jobs. We’re putting people first – which is great news for the local economy and great news for Kyneton.”