Protecting Victoria’s Biodiversity For Future Generations

Tuesday 4 April 2017

The Andrews Labor Government has released Protecting Victoria's Environment - Biodiversity 2037, a new long-term plan to protect our environment.

Using the latest scientific modelling, the new plan enables Victoria to adapt to the challenges faced by all aspects of our natural environment.

It builds on work already underway to review Native Vegetation Clearing Regulations and a refresh of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, ensuring that Victoria has an effective approach to protecting its biodiversity.

Our ecosystems not only sustain life by providing clean air and water, productive soils, natural pest control, pollination, flood mitigation and carbon sequestration - but they also support activities that underpin Victoria’s liveability and economic strength.

The plan provides another opportunity for Victoria to show national leadership in biodiversity protection in the face of our changing climate.

Applications are now also open for $1 million in Community and Volunteer Action Grants for community groups and environmental organisations under the new Biodiversity On-ground Action initiative.

The Labor Government also recently announced a further boost to threatened species including the Powerful Owl, Growling Grass Frog, Southern Bent-Wing Bat, Regent Honeyeater and Squirrel Glider by doubling funding towards Community Volunteer Action Grants.

This followed news that threatened species of amphibians are recording encouraging captive breeding results, with record numbers of Southern and Northern Corroboree Frogs and Baw Baw Frogs bred at Healesville Sanctuary and Melbourne Zoo.

For more information on the new biodiversity plan visit: or to apply for a grant visit:

To view the Government’s new environmental health statement visit:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“This is a blueprint for how we can work together to stop the decline of Victoria’s unique biodiversity.”

“We’re supporting a broad range of rehabilitation efforts by community and volunteer groups that will improve the resilience of our native plants and wildlife.”

"We’ve fulfilled another election commitment to institute a state wide biodiversity strategy to protect our habitats for future generations"